Bank of America is one of the financial institutions with the most branches in the United States, so it will be easy to find one near you if you live in any of the 37 states in which it has a presence, in addition to D.C.
Before going to a branch of the bank, for convenience it is recommended that you try to use other ways of communication with the bank, such as the Internet or its customer service telephone number.
In addition, we suggest other ways of contact that the Bank of America offers you.
Bank of America's customer service phone number
The Bank of America customer service phone number is 800-432-1000.
Through this service you can receive attention to resolve any questions you may have, sign up for products, make inquiries about your accounts and other operations.
In principle, this number is for information and opening of current accounts and for reporting a lost or stolen debit card, but from here you will be referred to the corresponding service for any other inquiry.
In addition, BofA's customer service telephone number is also available to you in Spanish is 800-688-6086 and if you are calling from outside the United States the number is 1-315-724-4022.
Bank of America Telephone Hours
BofA's customer service number is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, after hours you can only be reached through an automated system that has limited response.
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The hours to be attended by a Bank of America operator are as follows:
- Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Eastern Time).
- Weekends from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Please also note that during holidays this schedule may vary, applying the weekend schedule or even a shorter one. The best option is to call during the week on weekdays.
Other Bank of America Telephone Numbers
In addition to the customer service number, BofA has other phone numbers that you can call for specific requests. These numbers can also be provided by customer service, but if you already know them, you can call them directly:
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Through the Bank of America's customer service numbers you can ask questions and access any operation that the bank allows you to perform through this channel, which can be almost all of them:
- Ask questions and resolve doubts about BofA's products and services.
- If you are already a customer, you can sign up for various products: checking and savings accounts, credit and debit cards, personal loans, certificates of deposit and other investment and savings products.
- Make changes to the terms and conditions of the products you have signed up for, such as the limits on your cards.
- Order transfers to other accounts of your own bank or other entities.
- Report any type of fraud or loss in your cards and suspicious operations in your accounts.
- Request an appointment with a bank agent at a branch.
If the telephone number you have called, either the main customer service number or one of the specific numbers listed above, is unable to answer your request, you will be directed to the appropriate telephone number (which may not be in Spanish) or referred to one of the Bank of America's branches.
Other ways to contact Bank of America
In addition to the telephone and the multiple options that the bank offers to call, the bank also has a wide range of contact options so that you can resolve any doubt or carry out any operation.
Bank of America website
This is the first place you should go before using any other form of contact, even before calling on the phone and having to wait to be answered. The Bank of America's website has a lot of information about all its products and, in addition, a complete help section.
In addition, from the private area of the website you can contact an agent of the bank through its online chat.
Social Networking
BofA has accounts on most of the main social platforms today: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Linkedin.
However, to contact someone to solve a question or direct you where to resolve it, it is best to use Facebook or Twitter .
Bank of America Mobile App
BofA's cell phone app also offers the possibility of contacting the bank's staff to resolve doubts, file complaints or sign up for new products.
This application is available for both Android and iOS:
Bank fo America's branches
As we have mentioned, Bank of America has thousands of offices spread across most of the United States, so you can direct you to any of them for any procedure.
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However, if you want to contact a specific agent or service, it will be convenient to schedule an appointment, for which you can call by phone or do it through the bank's website.
By mail
Bank of America also provides its customers with a mailing address to send any document necessary to carry out different procedures:
Bank of America
PO Box 25118
Tampa, FL 33622–5118
Español: Teléfono de Bank of America en español