News and information about companies, professionals and all kinds of businesses in the United States, bureaucratic procedures, legislation, concepts and everything you need to know if you have your own business in the US or want to create a new one.

What is the EIN or FEIN number and how to apply for it?

What is the EIN or FEIN number and how to apply for it?

When you intend to register a company in the United States of America, you will need to know what the ein or fein number is and what it is for. In this small guide we tell you what it is, how to apply for it and when you will need it. What is the EIN or FEIN number? The EIN stands for Employer Iden..   
What is a corporation in the United States?

What is a corporation in the United States?

In the United States there are several types of organizations, businesses and corporations, and it is important to know their characteristics. Today we will talk a little about what a corporation is and its basic aspects. What is a corporation in the USA? Within the legal context of the United Stat..   
What does KYC mean and what is it used for?

What does KYC mean and what is it used for?

The famous KYC stands for Know Your Customer and is a standard requirement within the financial industry. If you want to know more about it, here is a small guide. Who should apply KYC? Know Your Customer policies are mandatory for financial institutions that offer account opening and maintenance...   
What is Experian and what services does it offer in the U.S.?

What is Experian and what services does it offer in the U.S.?

Experian is one of the largest credit bureaus in the United States and the world. Its main function is to collect financial information from individuals and companies to provide credit reports, such as credit scores, to financial institutions and other companies that request them. If you want to kno..   
How to pay Metro PCS bill online, by phone or with card

How to pay Metro PCS bill online, by phone or with card

Former MetroPCS customers are now part of US telecom conglomerate T-Mobile. As the former company has changed its name, calling itself Metro by T-Mobile since 2018, we tell you what the rebranding has been like, the plans they offer and the payment methods they put at your fingertips, online, by pho..   
Allstate customer service phone number: 800-726-6033

Allstate customer service phone number: 800-726-6033

Updated November 2, 2023.Allstate is one of the largest insurers in the United States, offering policies in every state in the union. Its main business is in auto insurance, but it also offers coverage for home, business, condo, renters and life insurance. If you need to contact this insurance compa..   
What is the W2 form and how to get it online?

What is the W2 form and how to get it online?

Every employee should declare their taxes to the government and in this procedure the W2 form (Wage and Tax Statement) cannot be missing. Here we explain what it consists of, its basic aspects, how to get it online and how to fill it out.What is the W2 form for the tax return?As part of its procedur..   
What is an LLC? (Limited Liability Company)

What is an LLC? (Limited Liability Company)

In the United States, private businesses of all kinds are the basis of its economy, which is still the largest in the world, despite the fact that China has come quite close in recent decades. Within the U.S. business system and at the legal and tax level, there are several figures for which an entr..   
What is the Tax ID Number (TIN)?

What is the Tax ID Number (TIN)?

The TIN stands for Tax ID Number and is an identification number provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Its format is that of a 9-digit number and it is mandatory when filing any tax return. In addition, there are several variants, such as the SSN, the ITIN, the EIN or the ATIN, which we ta..   
What is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and its function?

What is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and its function?

In the United States there are a variety of government institutions charged with establishing internal order. Perhaps the most famous, and feared, is the IRS or Internal Revenue Service. Because of its importance for permanent and temporary residents, we will review its origin and some of its basic ..   
What is the ITIN number and how to apply for it?

What is the ITIN number and how to apply for it?

In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service is an institution that takes tax evasion very seriously. To do your duty, you may need what is known as an ITIN, whose function we will explain in more detail.It may interest you: Personal loans with ITIN number What is the ITIN It is the Individua..