Graduate School Loan from Sallie Mae

Do you want to go to graduate school and need financing? For these cases you have Sallie Mae's graduate student loan, which covers all your expenses, you can defer for up to 48 months (internship/scholarship) and repay in 15 years.

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APR: 5.25%
Interest: 5.25%
Loan commissions
Study commission: $ 0
Opening commission: $ 0
Commission for advance payment: $ 0
Loan limits
Minimum amount: $ 1,000
Maximum amount: Consult
Minimum of months: 12
Maximum of months: Consult

Graduate School Loan Info

Any graduate living legally in the United States has access to Sallie Mae's graduate student loan. Whether it's an online or face-to-face graduate or doctoral degree, you will need a valid photo ID and a co-signer with citizenship/permanent residency (for non-citizens/permanent residents).

Sallie Mae Graduate School LoanThe most interesting thing about these student loans are their repayment terms:

  • Interest-only repayment: you pay off the interest every month, while studying and under the grace period. With this option you get 0.50% less than the deferred repayment and 0.25% less than with the fixed repayment. Although you pay more during graduate school, the total cost will be lower.
  • Fixed repayment: with this option you pay $25 each month while you study and during the grace period. The unpaid interest is added to the principal 6 months after graduation (grace period), but you save more than with deferred repayment.
  • Deferred repayment: you pay nothing while you are in school. Your final cost will be higher because the APR is higher and unpaid interest is added to the principal at the end of the grace period.

There are other advantages related to these banking products:

  • Co-signer release after graduation.
  • Simplified application so you get the money every year.
  • Option to cover less than half the time to graduate.
  • Rate reduction with auto debit membership with Sallie Mae.

Sallie Mae's Graduate School loan can help you consolidate your education with flexible terms.

If you don't yet have a college degree and want to pay for your education, you have the option of the Sallie Mae undergraduate loan.

Español: Préstamo de Sallie Mae para estudiantes licenciados