Auto Loans Info
Capital One offers a complete platform for the acquisition of cars that goes beyond the simple loan, being able to carry out the entire process of selecting the vehicle you want to obtain and obtaining a previous qualification through the Internet with which you can go to the seller and negotiate with him for the purchase of a new or used car.
The financial entity offers you a loan for the purchase of a car with conditions that will depend a lot on the vehicle you want to buy, the state where you live, the money you need, your employment information and your credit rating.
So, if you want to know the conditions that Capital One can offer you, the best thing to do is to make an online pre-qualification to know the fees, the interest rates and the resulting monthly payment.
For the pre-qualification, the entity will consult your credit score, but with a soft inquiry that will not affect your history, so you can make as many pre-qualification requests as you want without fear that your score will be lowered.
Auto Navigator online platform
Through Capital One's website or using its smartphone app, you can access Auto Navigator to consult the catalog of vehicles available from collaborating dealers, distributed throughout the country.
From there, you can choose the car you wish to purchase and request the loan pre-qualification to find out what conditions the bank offers you to finance the car. With this pre-qualification you can go to the seller and negotiate the purchase of the vehicle.
Español: Préstamo auto del Capital One