PNC Bank customer service phone number: 888-762-2265


PNC Bank is a financial institution with a wide presence in the United States, having offices in most states of the union and also its own ATMs or those of partners in other states to operate free of charge.

In addition, PNC Bank has a complete customer service, both by phone and through its offices, its website and its social networks.

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What is PNC Bank's customer service number?

To contact PNC Bank's customer service by phone, call: 888-762-2265

This is the phone number that is mainly used to manage private bank accounts, both to open them and to check balances, make transfers and other operations.

PNC Bank Customer service phone number

If your inquiry has to do with other products or services, this number can refer you to the corresponding department. You also have the option of calling directly to the telephone number of the service you wish to be attended to.

Below is a list of some of the additional service numbers offered by PNC Bank.

What are the hours of operation for this phone number?

PNC Bank's customer service number is available daily during the following hours:

- Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Eastern Time).
- Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Other telephone services are available 24 hours a day, year-round, such as credit card emergencies, in case your card is lost or stolen and you need to cancel it immediately.

What other phone numbers does PNC Bank have?

As we have already mentioned, this financial institution also has other telephone numbers for different purposes and types of customers, whether individuals or companies.

If you are not sure which phone number to contact, then the best thing to do is to call the one we have already mentioned above: 888-762-2265.

If you know what you are going to consult and you have a number available for it, it is better to use it directly to save time waiting. Here are PNC Bank's alternative customer service phone numbers:

24-hour credit card service  800-558-8472
Mortgage loan inquiries and procedures  800-822-5626
Student loan service  800-762-1001
Investment service for private clients  800-622-7086
Business account service  877-287-2654
Service for veterans and active military 844-762-7272
Personal accounts 1-412-803-7711
Business accounts 1-412-803-0141
Personal and business credit cards 1-412-803-7787

Each of these phone numbers has its own hours of operation, some available 24 hours a day and others only during the day, weekdays and some also on weekends.

Other ways to contact PNC Bank

In addition to telephone, this bank allows you to contact its customer service in other ways, either in person or remotely, in branches or online.

Here you have a series of alternatives to be attended:

PNC Bank smartphone app

Through your cell phone you can access the PNC Mobile app, a complete system from which you can access all the bank's services, consult your accounts and carry out operations of all kinds from anywhere, such as ordering transfers, making payments, using Zelle or contracting credit cards and personal loans.

This application has a high score among the bank's customers, exceeding 4 out of 5 on the two platforms for which it is available: the App Store for Apple devices and the Play Store for Android devices.

Social networks

PNC Bank has profiles on the most popular platforms, including Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest or Linkedin, but if you want to contact its customer service through social networks, the most convenient thing to do is to go to its Twitter or Facebook accounts.

In these two networks you can make any query during 24 hours and, although they respond to all doubts, the response may take a little while if you make it outside the usual customer service hours.

PNC Bank's website

This financial institution has a complete website accessible from all over the world without interruption, with a great deal of information about all the products and services offered by the bank.

In addition, most of PNC Bank's website is translated into Spanish, so you can consult all the information you need, as well as its help section and frequently asked questions in your language.

The private part of the site allows you to easily operate with your PNC Bank accounts, debit and credit cards and personal loans, having also the possibility to contact an agent through an online chat to consult whatever you want.

PNC Bank Branches

As we have mentioned, this bank has branches in most states in the country, including the most populated, such as California, Texas, Florida or New York.

If you want to find a PNC bank near you, you can use the online tool provided by the bank on its website to locate branches anywhere.

Español: Teléfono de PNC Bank en español