How much does a physician or doctor make in the U.S.?

Among the most highly paid professions, the medical profession has always played a major role in society.

Beyond their essential work for public health and during pandemics, doctors contribute to the advancement of science and the well-being of the population. But how much does a doctor earn in the United States? We've already told you.

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The salary of a physician in the USA varies according to the specialty.

According to a report published by the site Medscape, specialized in medical research, a primary care doctor in the United States earns an average of $260,000 and a specialist $368,000.

This salary is well above the national average and has seen a notable increase in the last 7 years, with a 30% increase for specialists and 33% in general medicine.

How much do physicians make?

Another relevant fact is that the specialties with the highest and lowest earnings have remained the same over the years. According to sources, both orthopedics and cardiology are in the top 5 of the highest earners.

Likewise, on the opposite side we find those practicing pediatrics, family medicine and endocrinology.

This year 2022, plastic surgery leads the rankings with an average salary of $576,000. In contrast, preventive medicine and public health specialties are at the bottom, with an annual median of $243,000.

When the lowest-earning physicians were asked how they felt about it, 47% of pediatricians said they were earning a fair salary. On the other hand, just ⅔ shares of plastic surgeons said they had acceptable pay.

Most specialties give better compensation to those with more experience, as is to be expected in any professional field.

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This means that doctors between the ages of 40 and 69 are paid more than those under 4 decades. However, this age difference is not as noticeable in those who work in primary care. There are two main reasons for this:

Specialists get larger salary increases during the year.

Greater efforts have been made to make primary care salaries more competitive among the different generations.

Doctors can earn more or less depending on the state.

As with airline pilots or teachers, where you are based has a big influence on what you can earn. For example, the Northeast is known for its medical centers and high-paying opportunities. For this reason, the highest paying states are New York, Vermont and New Hampshire.

Does race or gender influence a doctor's salary?

This year, white doctors earned an average of $346,000 annually and nearly $15,000 to $30,000 more than other races. Asian American respondents generated on average $329,000, Hispanics/Latinos had incomes of $328,000, and the lowest earners were Black/African Americans: $313,000.

Recently (2016), a USC Census American Community Survey query found that the median annual income of a black physician was $188,230 compared to $252,042 for a white colleague.

Among women, a white female physician earned $163,234 and a black female physician $152,784, a smaller gap. Nevertheless, the difference between men and women is quite wide.

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According to the Medscape 2022 report, female physicians earn less than male physicians across the board and regardless of race or ethnicity. This is because most women opt for lower-paying specialties, such as family medicine or pediatrics (obstetrics is the exception). In plastic surgery, there are only 16% of female doctors.

The same is true for male and female primary care physicians, who earn $285,000 and $228,000 respectively. Although the gap has closed, the difference is 30% and 25%.

Self-employed doctors also get paid a lot

The aforementioned research reveals that self-employed doctors (private practice owned or with partners) generated on average $385,000 per year. In contrast, those who worked for clinics, hospitals and universities received an average of $320,000.

The detail is that ⅓ or half of the profits go to operating expenses, which is normal for a practice.

Likewise, data from the American Medical Association indicate that less than half (44%) of doctors in the U.S. own a private practice. On the other hand, those who work for an institution make up less than 40%.

While freelancers are betting on a higher profit, salaried doctors get benefits and compensation.

We can conclude by stating that a physician in the United States earns very well, despite the factors that make pay vary. If you want to know more about what other professionals receive, Busconómico will continue to provide you with this information.

English: ¿Cuánto gana un médico o doctor en Estados Unidos?