Social Security Administration office near me

The Social Security Administration or SSA of the United States plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the welfare of the working population.

For any consultation or procedure you want to carry out with the SSA, you can go to one of the hundreds of offices near you that the administration has throughout the United States or call the Social Security phone number: 1-800-772-1213.

How do I find a Social Security office near me?

If you need to visit one of the SSA offices and don't know which one is closest to you, you can use this map to find it:

In addition, through the Social Security Administration's website you can find an office locator that tells you which offices are near you based on the zip code you enter.

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If you want to go to one of their physical administrations, it is better to make an appointment to be attended, because otherwise you may not be able to make any inquiries or procedures. You can make an appointment by calling the telephone number above.

What are the hours of the Social Security offices?

The opening and closing hours of the Social Security Administration are the same for most offices:

Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. They are not open on weekends.

In addition, all facilities will be closed on federal holidays, which for 2023 are as follows:

Day Reason for holiday 
January 2 (Monday) New Year's Day
January 16 (Monday) Martin Luther King's Day
February 20 (Monday) President's Day (George Washington birthday)
May 29 (Monday) Memorial's Day
June 19 (Monday) National Independence Day
July 4 (Tuesday) Independence Day 
September 4 (Monday) Labor Day
October 9 (Monday) Columbus Day
November 10 (Friday) Veterans Day
November 23 (Thursday) Thanksgiving Day
December 25 (Monday) Christmas Day

What is the SSA (Social Security Administration)?

Founded in 1935 as part of the Social Security Act, the U.S. Social Security Administration is an independent federal entity that is charged with the welfare of citizens. This involves:

  • Managing resources.
  • Serving general social security.
  • Directing the program of benefits associated with retirement, disability and survivors of a deceased family member.

It is considered the largest assistance program in the country, using 21% of government spending.

As an organizational and administrative part of Social Security, it is a critical component for retirees, particularly those who have been unable to save for various circumstances. Some 178 million Americans are covered by its platform, making it one of the largest on the planet.

Given its role within the economy, we want to give you a brief overview of its beginnings, coverage programs and other essential aspects of its operation.

How are Social Security assistance programs paid?

The funds for the benefits granted by this organization come from the taxes paid by employees, employers and self-employed workers.

This tax revenue goes to 2 trusts: the Disability Insurance Trust Fund (DI) and the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund (OASI), both of which include the disabled and retirees.

SSA Office near me

Social Security Administration Coverage

Initially, the Social Security Administration (SSA) covered only 56% of U.S. employees. Today, almost 90% of citizens and legal residents working in the country (ages 21 to 64) are covered by social security benefits.

Both federal and state workers are not required to belong to the program if they already have a retirement plan with their employers. Of 23.2 million state and local employees, 6.6 million do not have social security. This is also true for federal employees hired before 1984.

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When you decide not to opt for this coverage, you do not have to pay the corresponding taxes. As for retirement and disability benefits, you cannot pay for them unless you have worked a certain amount of time under the social protection scheme. If your work history includes time with coverage and time without, your benefits may be cut.

Before the Social Security Administration existed, railroad workers were protected by the Railroad Retirement Board. Although this system still operates in the same way, a portion of each pension is designated as a Social Security 'equivalent'. These employees are also part of Medicare, even if they were hired after 1986.

Disability, retirement and survivors insurance

These programs are intended to provide certain benefits to retired or disabled persons, their spouses/children, and survivors of insured persons. This assistance is gathered collectively in what is known as RSDI (Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance).

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The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR), which has branches throughout the country, is in charge of handling work-related disability issues. This agency publishes the HALLEX manual, so that its employees know how to implement its principles and procedures.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The SSA is also in charge of SSI (Supplemental Security Income), which is a needs-based program for the blind/deaf, disabled, and elderly.

    Since Supplemental Security Income is awarded on a needs basis, eligibility is focused on people with limited or low resources. In addition, it only takes into account citizens, naturalized citizens and other groups (refugees) residing in the USA.

    Those living in Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands are not eligible.

    Social Security Administration Annual Report

    Each year, the board in charge of social security issues a report on the current and projected financial status of the programs administered by the SSA. The 2021 report indicated that OASI funding will last until 2033, in part due to the health crisis that reduced the number of jobs and revenues.

    Español: Oficina de la Administración del Seguro Social cerca de mí